Manure Safety Resources


The 2016 death of a young Portage County farmer who died while agitating a non-enclosed manure storage system has increased awareness of the dangers present in manure gases.

Portage County UW-Extension has created this page as a point of reference and educational information for our agricultural community. Please check back as links will continue to be added.

Notices and Articles

Reducing Risk from Manure Storage Agitation Gases

Cómo reducir los riesgos asociados a los gases emitidos durante la agitación del estiércol en sistemas de almacenamiento

Manure Safety Warning ~ Cheryl Skjolaas, Specialist at UW Madison/Extension Center for Agriculture Safety and Health

Pit Gases Pose a Danger in Beef Barns  ~ Iowa State Extension


Manure Gas Production and Dispersion ~ Dr. Rebecca Larson, UW Madison/ Extension Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist

Safety & Monitoring Considerations ~ Dr. John Shutske, UW Madison/Extension Professor and Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist

Manure Gas Safety ~ UW Center for Agricultural Safety & Health

Manure Safety ~ Cheryl Skjolaas, Specialist at UW Madison/Extension Center for Agriculture Safety and Health

Think Safety First ~ Rick Martens, Martens Manurigation, via


Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Health Hazards ~ UW- Madison/Extension Center for Agricultural Safety and Health & OSHA

Manure Gas Monitor Information ~ Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health

Non-Enclosed Manure Storage Safety Tips ~ UW- Madison/Extension Center for Agricultural Safety and Health

Manure gas safety review of practices and recommendations for Wisconsin livestock farms ~ UW Madison/Extension

Manure Storage Design and Safety Considerations with Gypsum Bedding ~ Penn State Extension

Open Air Manure Storage Safety Tips ~ Penn State Extension

Confined Space Manure Storage Hazards ~ Penn State Extension

Preventing Deaths of Farm Workers in Manure Pits ~ The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Beware of Manure Pit Hazards ~ National Ag Safety Database & Michigan State Extension

NRCS Alerts Farmers About Dangers of Manure Storage Agitation ~ USDA NRCS


Agricultural Safety & Health provided by UW Center for Agricultural Safety & Health

Great Plains Center for Ag Health – Manure Gases

Penn State Manure Pit Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)