About 4-H

Mission: To provide Portage County youth opportunities for personal growth and to encourage the positive development of youth, families and communities.

Portage County Extension 4-H programs give young people a chance to learn new skills, gain self-confidence, and contribute to their communities. 4-H Youth Development faculty and staff create real-world experiences that teach leadership and citizenship skills.

4-H is…

  • A community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills.
  • A chance for families to work together at setting, implementing, and following through on goal
  • An outreach educational program for youth, both boys and girls
  • Open to all youth, kindergarten through the Grade 13

Members: 4-H members participate in a club and enroll in projects. They keep records of their project work, give demonstrations and talks, attend project training and exhibit their work at the Amherst and Rosholt Fairs. They may also attend camps and workshops, take part in other community development work, exhibit at the state fair, participate in trips and county contests, and get involved in youth development activities.

4-H is open to all youth regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental status.

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