Food Preservation & Safety

Master Food Preserver Q&A

Anyone can call our Family Living Educator, Sherry at 715-346-1321 and ask specific questions about food safety, or food preservation. Questions may also be emailed to No question is too strange!

UW-Extension Preservation Publications and Information are available on the Safe & Healthy: Preparing and Preserving Food at Home blog.   Visit the Food Safety and Preservation page for the latest information.

Food Safety
Be Food Safe
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
USDA Food Safety Information
USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline 888‐674‐6854.
FDA Food Information Line 888‐723‐3366

Food Preservation
National Center for Home Food Preservation
Safe & Healthy: Preserving Food at Home (UWEX)
The Learning Store (UWEX)

Free Pressure Canner Testing

Don’t forget to have the dial gauge on your pressure canner tested. It is recommended to have this gauge tested every year.  Only the following brands can be tested:  Presto, Maid of Honor, Magic Seal, and National canners.

The Portage County UW-Extension offers pressure canner testing at no charge. Please call 715-346-1321 to set up an appointment.

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