Home » Horticulture » Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been confirmed in Stevens Point
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been confirmed in Stevens Point
Portage and Wood Counties are now quarantined for EAB.
Our Home Owner EAB Resource Guide is a great first resource. Please feel free to view or download it.
The information in the guide is a compilation of information from University of Wisconsin -Madison/Extension, Michigan State University Extension and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
As always, please feel free to call 715-346-1316 or email us for more information.
Below are a list of specific websites with more information.
Michigan State University Extension, Ash Tree Identification
Michigan State University Extension & WI-DATCP, Signs and Symptoms of EAB
UW Emerald Ash Borer, Is My Ash Worth Treating?
UW-Extension Horticulture, Protecting Your Tree from EAB
UW-Extension Horticulture, Homeowner Guide to EAB Treatments
Wisconsin Arborist Association, Portage County Arborists
WI DATCP, Ash Wood Processing Options
WI DATCP, Wisconsin EAB Information
UW-Madison/Extension, Emerald Ash Borer in WI
Colorado State University, Watch Your Ash Trees
Multinational Effort on EAB Info, Emerald Ash Borer Information Network
Purdue University Extension, Neighbors Against Bad Bugs
Iowa State University Extension, EAB Management Options